My workroom gets a makeover!

I work from home, and anyone who does as well will tell you that it is difficult to make the distinction  between ‘work’ and ‘non-work’ when you do that. I have lived in this house in the Peak District for over 16 years now, and the rest of the house has been decorated to be exactly how my husband and I both like it – kind of comfy!

But the workroom (much like a craft room, only it’s the place where I am supposed to be earning my living! – the place where I spend the majority of my day) was the last room to get decorated. It always seemed to come last in the list of priorities, somehow. But not any more!

We’d planned how to do it, ages ago, and even bought the paint and fabric for curtains. But that’s as far as it got.

After some ‘reminding’, my husband waited until I was away from home for a week, and then, while I was out of the way, he cleared out the workroom, painted the ceiling and walls, and laid the new carpet. When I returned, I was suitably stunned to see the transformation! Now that the curtains for in front of the shelving have been made, I have a beautiful workspace to make the kits and parcels in for my needlepoint kit business.

Here’s some ‘before and after’ photos:

Everything used to be stored in old cardboard boxes, box lids, old packaging – it was just so messy. The shelving over the radiator was from our old house, and although it’s a practical size and height, I didn’t like it being the first thing you looked at as you came into the room.

Room 1

So now, all of that shelving is hidden behind curtains (and what is on the shelves is in standardised cartons, too). The nifty shelf unit with all the little drawers in was made by my husband, Chris, after we had spent days trawling round the shops looking for something suitable. It seems that six foot high, 30-drawer shelf units aren’t needed by anyone else! Can’t think why…. This is where I store all the stock of doll’s house needlepoint kits that are very small. They are organised by type, at the bottom of the unit. Towards the top, I store the balls of Appleton’s wool that I use to make up the doll’s house carpet kits. Everything is labelled neatly, because that’s what I’m like  🙂

Room 5

This was where I kept the packaging materials for making up parcels, plus an overflow of some of the kit stock, plus the bulk Anchor stranded cotton cones.

Room 2

These are all tidily put away behind more curtains, now.

Room 6

This is the ‘space behind the door’. Hmm, a bit of a non-area, and such a mess!

Room 4

It is now my canvas-cutting area, parcel-making area and generally tidy space! The box on the floor with the padded fabric lid is a seat when I have visitors, and a storage bin for polystyrene packaging ‘lumps’ the rest of the time.

Room 7

Here is my desk, old cutting area, and storage for the doll’s house carpet kits above the desk.

Room 3

This is the same area once tidied up, with lighting installed under the deep shelving, so that I can actually see what I’m doing!

Room 8

I love this room now! It’s just great to work in!



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20 thoughts on “My workroom gets a makeover!”

  1. What a lovely room it is now Janet! and how nice of your hubby to decorate it for you as a surprise while you were away. I just hope that he managed to pack everything up without making too much of a muddle for you to unpack and sort when the time came to put things back – I know my hubby would totally make a mess of that lol!

    1. It was more of a shock than a surprise, actually! The room had been messy since we moved here, 14 years ago. He was very good at putting everything carefully aside, so that it was easy to move it all back into its new home.

  2. Wow what a transformation, it’s so good to be able to just go straight to what you want plus made easier when everything is labelled.

  3. LOVE the blue and yellow. I’ve been trying to persuade my husband to do a room in those colors. It looks so cheery!

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