The Fine Miniatures Forum for dollhouse enthusiasts has just begun!

If you like dollhouses and all things miniature, there is a new online forum that you must see….the Fine Miniatures Forum.

Fine Miniatures Forum page 140610
It has been set up by the International Guild of Miniature Artisans, based in the USA (although anyone can join the forum and add posts). The Guild “was founded to promote fine miniatures as an art form; to increase awareness and appreciation of high-quality workmanship through public education; to recognize and honor qualified artisans and encourage work of highest quality; to encourage the development of new artisans; and to coordinate and serve the interests and needs of the artisan and non-artisan.”

The forum already has several topics about needlework in small scales, including needlepoint in the Berlin woolwork style, for instance. It’s a really interesting forum – go and have a look!


Dollhouse Needlepoint newsletter sign-up invitation