New blog style, new images!

I have been writing this blog since October 2009, and ever since I started, I’ve kept the same theme and header picture, of a stumpwork handbag on black silk….up until now.

This week Google, in their infinite wisdom, have decided that websites and blogs will not be found as easily as before in searches (even if their content is exactly what you’re searching for), if the website or blog isn’t ‘mobile friendly’ – i.e. ‘responsive’. I call it ‘squashable’ – that is, the web page re-arranges itself to fit on whatever device you are viewing it on.

So, with the deadline looming, I decided to upgrade my blog’s theme, and choose one that would tick all the boxes, as the old one wasn’t upgradable. Not as easy as you might think, these days. It seems that blog themes with a good-looking font and the ability to display large images (as I like to have) aren’t as easy to find now. However, the theme I’ve chosen (called Twenty Twelve) does what I want.

I’ve also chosen to change the image at the top of the blog, to feature various miniature needlepoint items that all feature as part of my range of kits on my website  (which has been ‘mobile friendly’ for weeks, now!). This is the new header image:


It’s a lovely image, and I do like it, but whenever I look at it, I do have mixed feelings, as, when my husband and I were taking the picture, we left the spotlights turned on while we went to look at the image on the computer in another room. Unfortunately, the spotlights fell off their stand onto the carpet face down, and burned a hole in the carpet, which was only a month old….NOT good.

Along with the new blog theme, I have added a widget to the right sidebar which will take you directly to my website when you click on it, so that you can see the whole range of miniature needlepoint kits and charts, many free tutorials, and dozens of inspirational photos taken by my talented customers, of mini stitching which they have done. It looks like this:

widget website pics 20 April 2015

Let me know what you think of the new theme, and if it’s working OK on whatever device you view my blog on.


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