Beautiful miniature stitching for doll’s houses, by my customers

I sometimes showcase photos of stitching on this blog that has been sent to me by my customers – recently, I’ve had two people send images in of the wonderful embroidery they have made for their doll’s houses.
Summer day group
This is a set of chairs which Natalia from Russia has made. She finished the woodwork of the chairs in ‘shabby chic’ style, and then adapted my Summer Roses designs to make a set of three chairs with the title ‘Summer Day’ as a co-ordinated collection. She based the shabby chic chair style on one that she saw on my website’s Customers’ Gallery page, that another customer had sent in (the Customers’ Gallery page is always very inspirational!). 
Morning chair
The ‘Morning’ part of the Summer Day set features a cup of coffee as an accessory to the chair, ‘Noon’ has some ice cream, and ‘Evening’ has a cup of tea.
Noon chair
For the chairback on the ‘Noon’ chair, Natalia used one of the motifs from the Summer Roses teacosy kit (the reverse side), increasing the width of it slightly.
Summer roses teacosy style shot
Evening chair
For the other two chairs, Natalia used the tray cloth kit motif for one seat design, and added flowers in the centre of a wreath for the other one. Aren’t they lovely?
Elizabeth, another of my customers,  emailed me a few months back and asked if there was a way to enlarge my ‘Isobel’ carpet kit design for her doll’s house, as her rooms are large, but she really wanted to use this formal-looking Georgian design. Rather than just try to explain how she could do it herself, I thought that this design should be quite a quick one for me to alter, so I had a go – and this is the result! I added a second trellis border around the first one, making the finished size of the carpet about nine inches across, instead of the original six inches.
Isobel enlarged-a
And this is the original Isobel design, which is available as a kit from my website :
The original Isobel carpet design, available as a kit to be stitched on 18 count canvas
The original Isobel carpet design, available as a kit to be stitched on 18 count canvas
If any readers of this blog have images of stitching they have done from my kits or chart packs, I’d love to see them  🙂


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